
DRV8833 debugging notes

“Debug” a DRV8833

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I am trying to control a DC Motor with a DRV8833. To be precise, I have this module from MJKDZ (which, I believe, is not the original one from TI).

I measure the voltage on the input pins, they are as expected, but the output pins have 0 V. My input pins have those values:

GND :  0 V (connected to ground)
VCC : +5 V (from a battery power)
IN1 : HIGH (+3.7 V from an ESP32).
IN2 : LOW  (0 V)
IN3 : not connected
IN4 : not connected

Every output pin has 0V (including “ULT”, which may indicate a fault condition). All grounds (ESP32, battery, etc) are connected.

I am wondering how I can “debug” what’s going wrong.

Do you think I may have overheated it while soldering the pin sockets (I learned soldering when I was a kid from my father probably like many of you, but I didn’t do it for a while and now I am terrible at it)? Or could it be an over-current issue?

So, just to be sure that the issue is really on this particular module, could I try connecting an even simpler circuit like this (basically excluding things related to ESP32):

GND :  0 V (connected to ground)
VCC : +5 V from regular power
IN1 : +5 V from regular power (HIGH)
IN2 :  0 V (connected to ground) (LOW)
IN3 : not connected
IN4 : not connected

and expect the potential difference between OUT1 and OUT2 to be 5 V ?motor-controllershareedit  follow  flag asked 6 hours agoOnur Celebi1 New contributor

  • It looks like You burned it somehow – fifi_22 5 hours ago
  • Have you connected the “EEP” pin to anything? I’m assuming that this pin corresponds to the DRV8833’s SLEEP pin (in the same way that ‘ULT’ probably corresponds to FAULT). According to the DRV8833 datasheet that pin has an internal pull-down, which will disable the device if left unconnected. – brhans 4 hours ago
  • A key problem here is that you are not asking about the chip itself, but rather about a mystery module, and so leaving key details of the chip connection unspecified. We might also ask if the module is correctly manufactured with the chip well aligned and soldered; we could even ask if the chip installed is actually a DRV8833 at all. – Chris Stratton 4 hours ago

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