Day: March 30, 2021

FreeRTOS notes

Discussing FreeRTOS architecture for sort of a data logger application Ask QuestionAsked yesterdayActive todayViewed 165 times2 I’m fairly new to RTOS architecture and been reading up on articles on, but as it’s commonly agreed, […]

FreeRTOS notes

Discussing FreeRTOS architecture for sort of a data logger application Ask QuestionAsked yesterdayActive todayViewed 153 times2 I’m fairly new to RTOS architecture and been reading up on articles on, but as it’s commonly agreed, […]

FreeRTOS discussion notes

Discussing FreeRTOS architecture for sort of a data logger application Ask QuestionAsked yesterdayActive todayViewed 150 times2 I’m fairly new to RTOS architecture and been reading up on articles on, but as it’s commonly agreed, […]

l298n current sensing

Anything wrong with connecting L298Ns in parallel? Ask QuestionAsked 2 days agoActive todayViewed 90 times1 Although L298Ns are very inefficient, they’re very cheap. I have two motors that require 4A+ current at load combined. Can […]


Discussing FreeRTOS architecture for sort of a data logger application Ask QuestionAsked yesterdayActive todayViewed 134 times2 I’m fairly new to RTOS architecture and been reading up on articles on, but as it’s commonly agreed, […]