Day: March 29, 2021

Pico FreeRTOS

Discussing FreeRTOS architecture for sort of a data logger application Ask QuestionAsked todayActive todayViewed 101 times2 I’m fairly new to RTOS architecture and been reading up on articles on, but as it’s commonly agreed, […]

Pico FreeRTOS

Discussing FreeRTOS architecture for sort of a data logger application Ask QuestionAsked todayActive todayViewed 92 times1 I’m fairly new to RTOS architecture and been reading up on articles on, but as it’s commonly agreed, […]


Discussing FreeRTOS architecture for sort of a data logger application Ask QuestionAsked todayActive todayViewed 69 times1 I’m fairly new to RTOS architecture and been reading up on articles on, but as it’s commonly agreed, […]


Discussing FreeRTOS architecture for sort of a data logger application Ask QuestionAsked todayActive todayViewed 51 times0 I’m fairly new to RTOS architecture and been reading up on articles on, but as it’s commonly agreed, […]

TL431 Volt ref

s this component in falstad a tl431 Ask QuestionAsked 2 days agoActive todayViewed 57 times2 I’m self studying electronics, I am now familiarizing myself with the tl431, which is pretty much a “variable zener” aparently. […]